7 Qualities required to become an A level Math tutor

There are so many questions that get raised in one’s mind when it comes to the idea of studying for the A levels and preparing for the “big examination” which pretty much dictates which path you are about to step foot into for your career and for your life. 
private a level maths


1) What if my child doesn’t cope?
2) Are A levels really that challenging as what is being portrayed?
3) How will my child push him or herself till the finish line to succeed?
4) What kind of guidance does my child need?
5) What kind of tuition teacher would be best to assist my child? 

"But calm down! If the sun sets, it has to rise as well...which is a fancy of saying that there is a solution to all your problems"


A level maths tutor is pretty much the saviours for struggling students who are unable to cope with mathematics. The syllabus and exam questions now demand so much more from students and coping with the expectations is quite a challenge for them. 
The special reason why there is a huge emphasis on Mathematics is because it is a prerequisite subject for many jobs on-demand and should students perform well in it. That way they create the opportunity for themselves to build a strong career. 

So, what exactly are the qualities that A level math tutors should have, in order to guide their confused and helpless students? 

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Tutors have to make sure that their students have built a strong core for themselves basic concepts because whatever else is being learnt thereafter will be based on the foundation; it pretty much acts as the springboard to excelling in the subject. 
Complex concepts are simplified for easy understanding and tutors make an effort to understand students’ strengths, weaknesses and insecurities. By assessing all of this, they can provide customised teaching and guidance, which is absolutely essential. 


You have to let your students know that you have expectations for them. Sometimes new tutors become too amicable and students may take advantage of the friendliness and lay back a little, compromising on self-discipline which is needed to excel in A level mathematics. 
You don’t need to be too strict as a tutor! But remember that, there are limitations and within the boundary, you can build a healthy student-tutor relationship.


Excelling in A level mathematics is not easy and yes, the journey can be daunting. Confidence is absolutely essential to perform well in examinations because should a student lack confidence, that will be the biggest barrier to excelling in this subject. Give them the confidence and remind them that is it possible to excel.


Shying away from what is difficult is never the solution and hence, tutors insist that their students practice over and over again to improve. Something challenging would become trivial over time and hence students should never lose hope. There are many effective strategies to score well in A level maths and practicing is the key strategy. 


Singapore mathematics demands more cognitive processing and requires students to acquire higher-order skills like analysis, evaluation and synthesis. This does not come easy and is cultivated over time with proper guidance. It is private a level maths’ responsibility to ensure that this is acquired by their students. 


It may be difficult to connect with parents and communicate with them initially, but this is absolutely essential. Keep is casual in your communication and update your student’s parents about their progress and let them know how they can assist their child. This will be a good step to assist in the progress of children. 


You need to be clear in the way you convey your information and ensure that your student has fully understood what is expected of him or her. If you provide explanations in bits and pieces and expect your students to pick it up from the bare bottom, it’s not possible. You need to be there for your student at every step of the way, but be careful enough not to molly-coddle!


It’s not easy to be a tutor and you will see yourself getting better at with experience. Math may seem like a challenging subject but it’s definitely possible to excel in it over time, with patience, persistence and proper guidance from good math tutors. Hence, it is important to take the job seriously and work with sincerity!


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