Reasons why biology tuition is important for Secondary school students?

BIOLOGY...A rather uncomplicated subject but challenging enough when one wants to score well in it. There are many reasons why it is hence essential to opt for biology tuition because it’s not that simple to win the battle as a one-man army!
Secondary 3 Biology home tuition

So, what are the reasons why biology tuition is important? 

Firstly, answers for questions in Biology tests and examinations require a particular technique for the student to achieve the full credit. Students have to learn these exam skills if they want to get good grades.
For example, it is important for a student to provide an explanation with the correct keywords as they are necessary to achieve full credit for the question. Sometimes, students may forget what keywords to use or even use the wrong keywords for their explanations. Some students may also not see the need to use keywords as they think their explanations are good enough without them. Tuition tutors can help students realise the importance of keywords in their explanations.
Secondary 5 Biology home tuition
They can teach why keywords are necessary and also how keywords improve the students’ explanations. This will help to make the memorisation and usage of keywords much more natural for the students. Moreover, tuition teachers can also help students to make their answers more precise and concise as students generally tend to provide unnecessarily long answers. Learning all of these exam answering techniques can help to boost the student’s performance in biology examinations by a significant amount.

What’s so tricky about biology?

The main tricky aspect of mastering this subject is memorisation of content! Students get overwhelmed by their textbooks with more than a thousand pages and may give up trying to study properly for their tests or examinations. The main reason for this problem is that students think that memorisation is the main method to study for Biology when in reality, it is similar to other subjects; understanding is the most important part of learning Biology.
Secondary 5 Biology tutor

Although memorisation is still necessary to score well in tests and examinations, blindly mugging the textbook is useless if the student does not try to understand the topics first. Tuition teachers can help students realise both the necessity for understanding topics and also help to speed up the process of understanding the topics.
Students may look at all the information they are provided with and may not know which part is the most significant. Tuition teachers can help students identify these important parts and help them to save a lot more time studying!

Finally, everyone knows that to do well in Biology, it is necessary to memorise the important keywords and important concepts. However, some students have trouble memorising all the important information and struggle to come up with answers during graded assessments. Some students are able to memorise everything important but tend to forget it during exam conditions due to the pressure put on them.
Secondary 5 Biology tutors
Tuition teachers can firstly, help to make the process of memorisation easier and more fun by preparing exercises and even games for students to revise the topics efficiently. Moreover, they can provide timed practices for the students to do so that they are used to writing the answers quickly and thus will not crumble under the pressure during their graded assessments.
These timed practices can also help to improve the students’ time management skills. Biology examinations usually take a lot of time and it is important for students to not waste any time unnecessarily!
It is especially challenging to score well in biology in secondary 3 and 4 (upper secondary), hence students are strongly encouraged to opt for secondary 3 and 4 biology home tuition to hone their skills and score their As. 


Tuition teachers can help to improve the answering techniques of students by for example teaching them keywords. They can help the students understand the topics better and also help to make memorisation much easier and more fun and finally can help to improve the time management skills of students. 


  1. This blog is very informative and brief about those reasons which make the best biology tuition important to get full credit in biology examinations.

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