6 Problems that every child face with Singapore Math

In this day and age, mathematics as a subject as gained so much more importance that what it had a decade or so ago; for many reasons of course. It just so happens that the world is continuously evolving and progressing and so much is being discovered and invented over shorter periods of time. Something that gets discovered (an idea or an object) barely takes 2 or 3 years to get birthed and become famous internationally; however, back in the day scientists had to work hard for more than a decade to achieve what they have set out for and they never rightfully got the credit they deserved as well. This speaks volumes about how rapid progress is taking place and the primary reason for this is the change in the education system.
The way teaching, syllabus and expectations of students have changed is the catalyst for such a drastic transition. Mathematics especially is a concern for many students because the difficulty level is spiked up to an extent whereby its almost intimidating, beyond being just challenging.

singapore math

So, let’s take a look at the 6 common problems that students face with Singapore math...

When it comes to understanding mathematical concepts, some students seem to grasp quickly and excel, while others, unfortunately, lag behind. The moment students perform poorly in-class tests or internal assessments, they would start to notice that they lag behind their classmates and their confidence takes a beating. Students have a habit of comparing themselves with others and evaluate their abilities based on how well others do in tests and exams. This is indeed an unhealthy way of progressing in mathematics because everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and every one are unique in their own way of perceiving information. There is no basis for comparison and hence students should never care about how well others are doing. 


Students fear to make mistakes and that fear is enough to push them into a downhill. The general desire to never make mistakes, to always answer perfectly or even the fear of getting reprimanded by teachers for not knowing something will never let a student get anywhere near his or her target grades. Fear eats you alive and there is no way to progress if you choose to stay within your comfort zone. It is crucial to keep in mind that every mistake made or every failure encountered is a teacher by itself and it tells you what you should not do the next time around, or it also teaches you the actions you should probably take to move a step closer to success. 

When confidence is shattered, students would start to hate the subject unnecessarily and every time they try to solve mathematical problems for homework assignments or class tests, they would feel helpless and they will be reminded of their past failures. This mentality is counterproductive; it does not benefit them in any way. The best way parents can support their struggling child is by arranging Math home tuition; that way, students will get personalised attention and proper guidance to excel. 

Students sometimes fixate themselves on using very specific problem-solving methods to finish their mathematics problem sums but these few sets of techniques cannot be the gateway to answering everything. Assessment books and practice papers are good ways to encounter challenging questions but the hurdle students run into is having to discipline themselves to practice consistently. This is where Singapore math tutors and parents have to step in help children to stay on the right path. 

One of the beauties of mathematics is the fact that every concept is interlinked with each other, though two concepts may seem entirely different, almost mutually exclusive from one another. Students are expected to understand how different spheres of the subject are associated with one another and with that understanding, they should be able to apply that to solve questions in their examinations. This is admittedly challenging because the application of knowledge requires critical thinking and deriving creative methods to solve problems.

Be it excellent grades or the lowest mark in the class, it should not matter and none of this should get into one’s head. Students, however, think that marks determine how smart they are and how worth it they really are. All of this is over-exaggeration because the effort and interest in the subject are what truly counts. 

“An expert was once a beginner” is a famous quote that every student needs to keep in mind. It is not impossible to excel though it will be challenging. By seeking the right assistance, and staying motivated no matter what happens, success is guaranteed. 


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