Tips & Tricks for Learning Singapore Mathematics

If you are aware of the strategies to use in order to tackle this ‘formidable’ subject, Mathematics will actually become one of the easiest subjects to deal with. This may sound euphemistic but the reality is as such; as long as you understand the core and the essence of the subject, it is possible to excel in it.

Singapore Maths in particular is regarded to have a very high standard around the world, both in terms of its syllabus and the way it is being tested in examinations. This is especially because the Ministry of Education in Singapore is aware that Mathematics is of paramount importance in various professions and it’s a subject that influences a lot of the mechanisms around us that enable our daily life to function. Thus, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education at a tertiary level is given lots of importance and educational experts assent to the significance of staying ahead of the curve in terms of the Mathematics syllabus.

Though school teachers are always trying their very best to enable their students to internalise the topics being taught, it often doesn’t end all hunky dory. Many children struggle with understanding concepts, applying them to solve simple problems and on top of all of that, trying to enter the phase of higher order thinking. The following tips with elaborate explanations hope to convey to you about the way one can approach Singapore Mathematics without fear, hesitation or insecurity.


Students might often fixate themselves on using particular problem-solving methods to finish their mathematic sums but these few sets of techniques cannot be used to solve everything. Part of excelling in Mathematics is understanding that you often have to create the ‘key’ accordingly to open each ‘door’ of different problem sums. It’s a lot about understanding which concepts are being tested in the question, what the questions demands and then having to derive a method on the spot to solve it.

All these skills cannot be obtained overnight and it only comes with practice. Assessment books and practice papers are the best way to try solving a plethora of challenging questions with varying degrees of difficulty. By keeping a healthy habit of completing a certain number of pages in an assessment book every day or finishing one practice paper every 2 days will help train students to become critical thinkers.


Though self-learning is highly recommended and appreciated in Singapore education system, we all aware that without a good tutor’s close guidance, Mathematics is a little challenging to tackle alone. A good tutor, preferably a tuition teacher to give that extra push the student beyond school hours, will be largely beneficial and the amount of difference this makes is unfathomable.

Tutors make the effort to understand students’ capabilities, their insecurities in approaching the subject and about their learning pace which then helps them to guide their students in customised manner.

In a nutshell, though Singapore Mathematics is known to be one of the best in the world, we don’t need to blow the bugle yet because many students are still struggling to grapple with what their examination papers demands from them. It is definitely possible to excel in mathematics with great guidance and lots of hard work!


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