Problems and Solutions on Selecting Good Home Tutor

Choosing a good home tutor for your child can be a difficult task. Here are the main problems parents many face during the selection process. See how to tackle these problems:

1. Problem: 

Parents usually select home tutors based on information such as experience or background. Sometimes having the right experience may not be enough to determine whether a tutor is the right candidate for your child or not.


You can hire a tutor through tuition agency. Select that tuition agencies which allow you to have at least a quick call with the tutor. So that you can ask  questions to tutor and by this you can know tutor’s style of teaching.

2. Problem: 

Many tutors claim that they are local MOE teachers but actually they are not. As local teachers are very high in demand so many tutors pretend to be one in order to take more tuition assignments. Tutors also will lie about their experience and qualification.


Always verify relevant documents of tutor so that you can build trust on them. If you realise that the tutor is a fake then you must inform the tuition agency immediately.

You must always choose a home tutor who can communicate effectively and be able to build a good relationship with your child to improve their results.


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