Tutoring Ways Used By Tutor For Dyslexic Child in Singapore

Dyslexia is a rather well-known disorder which greatly affects children in many aspects. It is a learning disorder that affects a child’s ability to read, spell, write, and speak as per normal. Such kids are in fact smart, hardworking and capable like any other child but they have trouble seeing the pattern in the order of letters and numbers. Their struggle may cause parents to be upset and concerned as well. However, there are first class tutors Sg to guide dyslexic children to perform well and excel in their academics by overcoming their challenge. 

Source: lifespeech.org

Firstly, it is important not to make them feel bad for making a mistake in reading or writing because they are at a severe disadvantage compared to students without dyslexia. Thus, if they mistake, there is no need to scold them. Similarly, if they are able to read or write without mistake, it is important to praise them for it. This will definitely help them feel much more confident. Due to dyslexia, many students may have an inferiority complex that they are worse than others. Occasional praising like this will help greatly in boosting their morale.

Secondly, tutors must be flexible in the way the students submit their homework. For normal students, written work is not a problem and will require about the same time as doing the homework on a computer. Dyslexic students however will struggle a lot in handwritten homework. Thus, tutors must be prepared to accept homework created on a computer. Spell Checks built into the computer will help to correct any mistakes that the students make due to their dyslexia and this will make their life much easier as compared to asking them to write their answers into worksheets.

Source: scanmarker.com

Moreover, when assigning homework, tutors should take into account that a dyslexic student may take much more time to complete the assignment. Thus, tutors should give plenty of time to complete any homework. Tutors should also mark based on the effort that the student puts and the ideas he or she presents. Spelling and grammar mistakes should not distract tutors from an answer that has a valid thought process and idea. Moreover, if spelling mistakes are made, it should be told to them face to face instead of marking it in the homework as seeing a lot of red ink will only motivate the student.

Thirdly, tutor for dyslexic child in Singapore should try to limit the need for students to take down notes during lessons. It may be difficult to transcribe what the tutor is saying into written paper at the pace that the tutor talks at. This may cause unnecessary stress for the student. Moreover, even if the student only needs to copy from a board or a book, they will still face high difficulty in doing so.

Source: nateliason.com

If possible, teachers should provide students with printed pre-prepared notes and ask students to highlight the key areas and also draw pictures to help them revise. If tutors still want them to write down notes, they should provide printed notes with the key points being replaced with blanks so that they only need to copy important information.

Finally, teachers should discuss with students orally about a topic to ensure that the student understands it completely. If written notes are given, the student may find it very difficult to understand and will not even know their misunderstandings and cannot clarify them.

Thus, along with written notes, tutors can also provide pictures and if possible, voice recordings too so that the learning process can be made smoother. Moreover, instead of asking students to answer questions on written paper, tutors can ask them to voice out their answer. They can also ask students to explain their written answer so that they can understand the students’ thought processes.


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