6 Problems that every child face with Singapore Math

In this day and age, mathematics as a subject as gained so much more importance that what it had a decade or so ago; for many reasons of course. It just so happens that the world is continuously evolving and progressing and so much is being discovered and invented over shorter periods of time. Something that gets discovered (an idea or an object) barely takes 2 or 3 years to get birthed and become famous internationally; however, back in the day scientists had to work hard for more than a decade to achieve what they have set out for and they never rightfully got the credit they deserved as well. This speaks volumes about how rapid progress is taking place and the primary reason for this is the change in the education system. The way teaching, syllabus and expectations of students have changed is the catalyst for such a drastic transition. Mathematics especially is a concern for many students because the difficulty level is spiked up to an extent whereby its almost intimidating, bey...