How to Get Tuition Jobs in Singapore?

Tuition jobs are relatively easier to get as compared to other jobs like positions in corporate companies; however, nothing comes easy. After getting the job as a home tutor, it is important for the tutor to know how to keep his or her career going and it is their own responsibility to build the career. In Singapore, many students are in dire need of help; they need someone to guide them along, motivate and inspire them. This is especially since the education system has become so much more demanding and it expects a lot from its students now than what it did a decade or so ago. 

The best way to go about landing the right tuition job is to go through a tuition agency and the steps to find tutoring jobs in Singapore is rather simple. Tuition agencies are the best people to guide and it will be much easier for you to get hold of students than if you did alone. Moreover, this is the proper channel to landing this job; it will give you credibility and this will be useful in the future (you may not know how, but it will). 

When it comes to applying with a tuition agency, you need to sieve through the options and look for the best one among the lot according to you. Usually, you will be told to give your educational background details, upload scanned copies of your certificate for approval and there will be a section for you to write a personal statement and this is the key to getting your job. 

You need to write a captivating and honest person which would require you to write self-praising sentences about your prowess and about how you are a great tutor. Though this sounds amusing and absurd, it is absolutely necessary to promote yourself as the best tutor option for children out there. 
Remember that in the space of the internet, there is a countless number of tutors just like you who have the profiles set up, hoping to land the perfect job. You need to incorporate reasons into your write-up as to why you are the best option of tutor that students are looking for. You might take some creative liberty while writing an elaborate profile about yourselves but it is important to not go off tangent and stick within the boundaries of reality. 

In a great personal statement, apart from all the details about your expertise, you need to add on the fact that you genuinely care about the personal well-being of your students (and you have to stick to those words). In this day and age, parents expect a home tutor to not only be their child’s educator but also to be their moral compass and a so-called ‘moral-guider’. This is mainly because of the fact that in the vicissitudes of today’s modern life, parents do not get to spend quality time with their children and thus, having another trusted adult to guide their child morally and academically would be a great support and relief. 

After getting tuition jobs in Singapore, you need to learn how to keep it and grow it further and build a good career for yourself. That requires you to handle your students well by applying certain teaching techniques and being strict when you have to do so. 

The most important skill that a tutor has to have is to be able to provide constructive criticisms. Training your students to be able to take praises with a pinch of salt and criticisms with seriousness would reflect help them shine. That would reflect that you are a good tutor and the progress of the student can be seen visibly. As long as a student sees him or herself improve rapidly, over a short period of time, they will start recommending the tutor to their juniors and this is how your career strengthens. 


It is in your hands to build the best tutoring career possible for yourself. Everything takes time and meanwhile you need to be patient and persistent along the journey!


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