Best Ways To Assure Your Child Success With Singapore Math Tutors

Mathematics is not an easy subject and we all know that. It will seem intimidating at the initial stages but with proper guidance and lots of practice, one can achieve success for sure. Singapore math especially has a reputation for its challenging nature and for the struggle stories of students who were unable to cope with it. However, with the proper attention (a personalized approach), students will be able to excel in Singapore mathematics.

So, let’s take a look at the ways in which Singapore math tutors will guide and pave the path for success for children...


With a tutor’s specialised guidance, there is space for companionship, motivation, and happiness in the process of learning. A good teacher is a pillar of strength in their students’ academic journey, supporting them at every step of the way. They are there to encourage their students, teach their students how to rise from a failure with strength and courage, to not be held at one place by setbacks, and, they celebrate their students’ every small victory at every step of the way. This healthy tutor-student relationship will enable the development of mutual trust and respect and this keeps the journey going. When parents are upset or disappointed, and friends criticise a student for his or her poor academic performance, the teacher is that one person who continues to trust and believe.


Mathematics tutors in Singapore, be it school tutors or home tutors are very clear about one thing, and that is, no student will progress further until he or she has mastered the foundations of the subject content. This may seem like an obvious universal fact, but Singapore education system takes this very seriously, takes the necessary steps to adhere to this principle and hence has many ideas implemented to ensure this is being strictly followed.
Math tutors would ensure that their students are able to understand the simple ideas and concepts first before diving into the abstract, more complex ones. Some ways in which tutors can check their students’ understanding is through tests, or even by asking them to explain what they have just learnt. When a student can thoroughly explain what he or she has been taught, it is a sign of good understanding and it is the green light that indicates that the student can proceed to learn much more abstract concepts.


This is also known as higher-order thinking skills, which essential for students to have mastered in order to excel in Singapore Math. By imparting this skill from the beginning, it becomes second nature to children when they are given a problem to solve. It is almost an immediate response that starts from the point of reading the question, then analyzing, hypothesizing, testing and finally deriving the step-by-step solution to arrive at the final answer. Math tutors would also train their students by constantly giving them practice papers, assessments and quizzes and train them to solve challenging questions during lessons as well.


Singapore math is famous globally for its challenging syllabi and students need to be focused and interested in their learning in order to perform well academically. None of this will come easily because lots of hard work is required, and the guidance of a good Singapore math tuition teacher is required in order to obtain excellent results! Children have to remember to never lose hope in themselves, to always trust their tutors and to never lose the sincerity along the way. 


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