11 Strategies to teach English to absolute beginners

Over the past century or so, English has become the universal language of communication has risen in prominence as more and more countries emphasize its usage. In order for ideas and inventions to transcend borders, English is the driving force and hence no one misses out on learning this language no matter which corner of the world they live in (if they have the means to do so). By absolute beginners, we do not necessarily mean babies or young children. This could also apply to adults who happened to be not as educated or even those who might have studied something else other than English as their second language. There are different approaches to teaching English to different types of beginners. For very young children who are just starting their education, it is the easiest job of all for teachers because the mind is still very fresh and hasn’t had any exposure thus far. For young children who have just moved to an English-speaking country with their family, it mi...