5 Tricks to achieve the best results in Singapore Math

Singapore math is known to be one of the best in the world because of its high standard, quality and expectations of its students. According to a global study called ‘International Mathematics and Science Study (which is an achievement test set by policymakers and educators globally), Singapore students are the world's best in the subjects of mathematics and science. In this test, Primary 4 pupils and Secondary 2 students (179 primary schools and 167 secondary schools were included in the sample) topped the Mathematics test and the results are as shown below. Being the top-ranking country in mathematics, it is certainly the reflection of the education system and the fact that it produces talented math students indeed. It is certainly true that Math is a challenging subject to deal with in the Singapore education system. The syllabus and exam papers demand a lot from students and coping with the expectations is not an easy job. The reason why there is a huge emphasis on ...